Coach Nick Saban Portrait by D Moore framed


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World Renowned Artist Daniel A. Moores drawing portrait of Coach Nick Saban portrays the greatest college football coach today!

Moore found inspiration for this work in Leonardo da Vincis striking drawing, the Turin Self Portrait. In keeping with that genre, the artist has digitally infused tone and background into his drawing to visually simulate some of the same patina and richness inherent in the Old Masters centuries-old masterpiece.

This open edition mini print has been hand signed by Daniel Moore and is simply entitled:

“Nick Saban”

Alabama Head Football Coach


This print has been Professionally Framed in a 1 1/2″ Dark Cherry moulding with a gold lip and double mattes of Crimson Suede and black with glass and backing. The entire framed print measures 15 x 18 and will look great in your collection!

*Any item shown with a painted Alabama “A” coin inset in the matting will be substituted for an appropriate Alabama commemorative coin that benefits the print itself as the painted coin is sold out at the moment. If you have questions about availability, please contact us at 205-940-2202.